Monday, October 23, 2017

Bridge Construction


I gotta go back.

Set my jaw, clench my fists, and take one step at a time.

It's not as if I haven't done this tango before, with ex-girlfriends, agents, clients, my wife... even my own son. All of them, multiple times. That's how stupid and quick-triggered I was, at those times.

This time, it's different, though. I'm a lot older. Maybe a bit more wise, but I don't want to out-kick my coverage.

Let's just say, I'm learning to finally play the game of Peace.
To plot the map of Good Will.
To finally traverse Forgiveness.

I'm not really as important as I think I am, and I needed to work on more vulnerability as an artistic tool, anyway.

That's it....!

I was an Artistic Tool.

Don't be like me, son.
Apologize quick.
Get out of your own way.
Don't burn the years the way I did, at the Altar of Shallow Self-Consciousness.

You're not worth it.

Your health IS worth it, though--your family's health, as well as the health of those loved-ones who have invested their lives in you.
Always go back, and make it all right.

If it's up to you, do it.

You have honor.
Show loyalty.
Value friendship.
Cherish help.
Welcome correction.
And fix your mistakes.

You are a supreme investment.

Thus, follow suit.
(Act like it)

1 comment:

  1. As important as apologizing quickly is...forgiving quickly is more so. Especially to ourselves.

    Hope your mind is at peace soon.

