Friday, January 29, 2010

A blank page or canvas--not my favorite.

An Idea makes--makes what, that's stupid.

Ideas are in the eye of the--I don't know where that one was going.

Ideas are like--too common.

How 'bout this; if you're looking for a feel-good view on Life, one that puts you in an immediate comfort zone, and tells you that whatever you think is gonna be okay, then I'm going to fail in your eyes. Miserably. Sadly. Justly.

Besides that, shame on you. You should be coming up with ways to accessorize yourself, without me giving you a chuck on the arm. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually climbing out of that smoldering crater known as Misanthropy. In fact, I'm starting to gain a little wisdom, if I do say so myself.

You see, ever since the early Nobles in the ancient times climbed from the dusty-mirrored showcase of their self-imagined delusion, they realized they had to get on with it--to re-mount the horse--re-start the motor--pull up their pantaloons--kick the dust off their feet. Indeed, it was time to get started, and the only way you do that, is to simply take a first step into the day.

This is what I'm learning to to with this blog-thing. You know, dear reader, I'm not here for me.

I'm here for--eeew! Too pat.

How 'bout this: I'm here for---us? Hmmm, too empathic.

I'm here for---wait a minute...

I'm here.

So let me know how to do better, be better, help me to navigate this Blogosphere better.

Here's to a very shaky start--but, isn't that supposed to be what unknown journeys are all about?

More later--

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